Visit from Elder and Sister Schmutz, Zone Conferences, Poncho's Sons' Baptisms, and Daily Life!

Elder and Sister Schmutz come for a Mission Tour. Elder Schmutz is in the first quorum of the 70, and is currently the Philippines Area President.  He previously served as a mission president in Cebu, Philippines. They loved their time with them. Below is the dialog from one of the Marco Polo videos they sent us about the Schumtz's visit:

President Peterson:
"It's pretty hard to describe how wonderful those people (Elder and Sister Schmutz) are and how much we felt at ease and at home with them. How much alike their humor and things are like ours. They are certainly where they are supposed to be. He's in the first quorum of the 70 and very much qualified to be that.  They are very likable and kind and they helped us a lot. They gave us so much good advice with things they did, because he was a mission president here in Cebu, Philippines. We've faced so many of the same things and now he sees over all the Philippines in his role as area president, so they are very insightful and extremely helpful to us. We are doing a lot of things right, and then there are a few things we can do better. We were able to figure out what those things were and get answers to our questions and really enjoyed being with him. We went hard and strong.  We were out working with missionaries and giving Zone Conferences and member Conferences - on the go the whole time. It was really good."

Sister Peterson:
"He (Elder Schmutz) was sick - they think he had a sinus infection, which if you've ever had one you know they are not fun! But boy, he pushed through! He didn't use it as an excuse, he just did it and it was pretty amazing actually!"

Pres Peterson:
"These guys whip through scriptures, they are amazing at their knowledge and what they remember and understand. The way they teach doctrine is certainly impressive and these are things we aspire to do. They are a great example for us.

We spent a lot of time in the car traveling, so we had time to talk. I must have had about 50 different questions." 

Sis Peterson:
"They were so easy to talk to, we felt a connection with them.  It was great having them here."

Pres. Peterson:
"We are already starting to get some of the same stories as theirs with the mission and what happens here, and we had a lot of good laughs." 

Concerning their mission in general, they said:

"We are still alive! We've made it a year and we are looking forward to the next!  They say the last 6 months are hard because you're trying to get it all ready for the next President, however,  the next 18 months of our mission, is the "sweet" time where we now know a little bit about what we are doing -  even though we are always learning. We hope to make a big difference!

It seems like its going fast! Well, in some ways it seems fast, but other ways we say "oh man, can we do this?" It just depends on which day haha.

We love you! There is our report! We are currently sitting in our apartment in Magapit. It's not much, but it's home and it's clean and it's a little bit of refuge. We enjoy being here and having this hub so we can bless almost half of our mission which is up on this side."

As always, we (President and Sister Peterson's children), are so proud of our parents and their service to the Lord. They are an inspiration and we have seen so many blessings because of their service! Thank you all for your love and support.

Love, Sadie

Pictures and captions below are from Sister Peterson (some comments in parentheses are from me):

I went out working with these two Sisters today - fun in the sun and hot hot hot! 

            The brother in the tank top is a recent convert, and the other brother is being taught now.

Brother Rosario, in the middle, is Dad’s new Counselor.  This guy gets it!  He will be a great help! His son is on the left. 

Dad had lots of questions for Elder Schmutz and Elder Schmutz had all the answers.

Riding the TriC to the light house.

Yup - it was a little windy at the light house that day...

Dad and Elder Schmutz “OYM”-ing- (Open Your Mouth) That is what we call it when we tell the missionaries to not pass by anyone without talking to them.

Sister Schmutz and I having a Dragon Fruit Smoothie - don't let the bold color fool you - there is not a lot of flavor haha.

Stretching our legs half way through the drive to Cagayan.

Elder Schmutz gave a devotional to the members of the Aparri District.  
The District President, President Lucena and his wife gave us the roses. 

During Sister Schmutz' talk

Dad and Elder Schmutz did splits with these Elders and then shared their experiences in Zone Conference.

Loved learning from Elder Schmutz!

Cagayan side Zone Conference.

I gave a golf analogy during my time at Zone Conference.

Dad masterfully teaching!

 Ilocos side Zone Conference.

Mission Leadership Council

Outgoing Missionaries July 8, 2019

Incoming Missionaries July 9, 2019

Pizza Never fails to please!

These two cute girls became my friend in Pasuquin.

Sister Malimbada, from Sri Lanka, made me this bouquet of paper flowers 🌸

Went shopping for apartment supplies with the Sr. Sisters and we got some fresh coconut - Masarap!

This feather duster is made from Rooster tails and I will definitely get one before I leave this place - not to use, just for show 😉

One of our meetings with the office Elders - notice the awesome Kleenex holder! (Pres. Peterson's kids gave him a Kleenex holder with pictures of all his grandkids on the sides).

This is Poncho and his wife and two boys. Poncho really wanted dad to baptize his boys and so how could dad say no? 😊 The two boys reminded me of our grandsons and I just wanted to hug them!

Each missionary is given a 72hr. kit when they enter the mission.  We find that once they open it, things start disappearing - the Snickers bars are usually first.  I asked them all to bring their kits to interviews so that I can check them as we head into Typhoon Season.  
Lots of orange backpacks!

We are so grateful for the leaders who help us here!  This is lunch with President and Sister Credo - President of the Ballesteros Stake, and President and Sister Guillermo - Dad's 1st Counselor.
Most trucks, TriCs and Jeepneys have a religious phrase on them -
"God Bless Our Trip"
