Lasam Chapel Groundbreaking, A Very Filipino Christmas Tree, Leadership Seminar, Flooded Roads, and Christmas Conferences

Recently President and Sister Peterson traveled to Santa Ana (northeast corner of the Philippines) to do a zone conference. The rains became out of control and the roads became flooded (everything was flooded). The road through the mountain pass that they usually travel on got washed out and they got stranded! A day later, the missionaries from the surrounding areas were able to get back to their areas, but the senior missionaries, assistants, office elders and my parents ended up having to take a different route home that took them through 4 other mission boundaries.  A drive that usually takes them around 8 hours doubled to 16.  President Peterson said, "There are always challenges, but we rely on the Lord because it's beyond our control".  

Christmas Conferences went great!  President Peterson said, "We felt the spirit, we did training, we played games, and ate great food! We stayed right on the beach and it was stormy, but the missionaries didn't care - they had a great time!"

My parents are half way through their mission now.  They have a routine going, but know not to get overly confident because the unexpected inevitably happens.

- Sadie

Pictures and Captions below are from Sister Peterson :)

Meeting in Dad's office with our FM (facilities management) people from both sides of our mission.  We could not do this without their excellent help!

After Zone Conference, I found this going on - This Elder was removing his own ingrown toenail! All I could do was hand him some rubbing alcohol and a tongue depressor -yes it was painful...  like watching Man VS Wild or something, but he was successful!

These sisters were surprised that I wore black to ZC because they had planned to wear black too.  So of course we had to get a picture together.

The young man by dad is Elder Reamon.  3 weeks before finishing his mission, he got hit by a TriC which broke his leg and he had to go home.  He had 5 more baptisms planned and was really enjoying the last little bit of time on his mission - it was so discouraging.  He finally healed and came back for a visit with his family and it was so good to see him.

Dad at his most recent CCM (coordinating council meeting)

Lasam Chapel Groundbreaking Ceremony.  It was raining so hard and a total muddy mess, but somehow I made it to the front in my high heels haha.

Typical Filipino party food.

Last Friday we went to the new little house we are going to rent in Cagayan and we saw that Shirley and Ronny (our landlords who also own the house next door)  had put up their Christmas tree (the one in the background).  We mentioned how pretty it was and the next day when we returned, they had taken one of the pine trees from their yard and decorated it for our little house 😍. Just so cute and thoughtful of them!

Shirley said she will protect our things while we are away.  I think she weighs all of 80 pounds...

Another TriC religious saying to share...

A couple of pictures of the inside of the little house - all the furniture is theirs.  Ronny and Shirley keep asking us to move in right away - like little kids who want us to come and play haha.. First things first though and the AC has not been installed yet...

A walk on the beach brought us to this...  I love the Carabao!  I hope to ride one before going home 😉

Our November outgoing missionaries consisted of only these two sweet Sisters.  They were incredible missionaries and are now off to do more incredible things!

Breaking into a safe 101.  This safe has been in the mission office for 6 years now and no one knew the combination, so the next best thing is to have Satur go at it with a few tools.  We could not wait to see what treasures were inside.  Total contents; 2000php (equal to $40), two credit cards that had long since expired and another smaller safe that was empty.  Oh well, at least it is not taking up space in our office anymore...

November incoming missionaries!  They are coming so prepared to serve - ready to hit the road running and it is really something to behold!

We never expected to make friends from Germany while here in the Philippines, but that is what happened.  Detliv (an award winning chef) and Tess (both in the front row) own one of our favorite places to eat - Bergblicks.  They introduced us to Klaus (center back row) He makes miniature replicas and the detail is stunning.  The pictures don’t do them justice.  He is 70 years old and his hands are so steady.  He does it with his naked eye - no magnifying glass or glasses. And, yes, our office supply room is equipped with German Books of Mormon.

See how tiny they are as they sit in the palm of my hand.  Klaus made the 4 of us (the Wards and dad and I) in about 5 minutes.

These three Mission President’s wives came in July and it was fun getting to know them at the Leadership Seminar.  

A peak at what goes on in the seminar.

Huge Poinsettias that grow naturally on the side of the road in Baguio.

 Eating dinner with President and Sister Davies and President and Sister Oldroyd in the magical Christmas wonderland of the hotel in Baguio.
Ilocos Christmas Zone Conference 2019
(all ZC pics curtesy of Sister Snyder - I am too busy to take them, so I steal hers)
Can you see who couldn't resist turning around....

Getting ready for the Christmas Conference tug-o-war

Every Zone performs after the Christmas Dinner.

Look who got chilled by the AC...

Fun and games during the Christmas Conference.

"Physical Therapy"

Cagayan Side Christmas Zone Conference 2019

Elder and Sister Ward serving up a "snack"...

The rain did not stop the fun!

As part of the Vigan District Conference, Sister Schmutz did a training for the RS, YW and Primary District leaders.

When we arrived early Sunday morning for the Vigan District Conference, they had a line of YM and YW waiting to greet us.  Elder Schmutz said that was the first time in their 7 years of service in the Philippines that that has happened.  They were very impressed.  Vigan will hopefully be a Stake next year.

The Vigan District President in the middle has made such a huge difference.  He has lots of energy!  The purple scarfs that Sister Schmutz and I are wearing were gifts from the Vigan District Choir - we became honorary members haha.  (We did not sing with them)

After the Conference, we went and did ministering visits.  This brother (in yellow shorts)  has been active and faithful, but his wife (with the gray shirt on) quit coming.  They have been sealed in the Temple.  Elder Schmutz boldly invited her to come back.  Look at the family that will be blessed if she does...

We hold a final, intimate testimony meeting with all the outgoing missionaries.  The Filipinos are so cold when there is AC and it was hard not to giggle at these two all bundled up in the blanket.  

December outgoing missionaries. These sisters are from the first group that arrived after we arrived and so they hold a special place in our heart as we all began this together.  Both of the Elders served in the office and so we have a special relationship with them too.
December Incoming!  How can we not be excited about these wonderful new missionaries!
