The End is Near, but We're Not Slowing Down...

I have been looking at all our photos that we have taken over the past 3 years -  making sure I have gotten all the ones I want before we leave. I don't want to miss even one of the reminders of this extraordinary experience. We have a lot of pictures of beautiful landscapes, and amazing experiences, but I admit that if all of them were only pictures of the beautiful faces of the Filipino people, I would be content.   

The Filipino people are faithful Christians, full of love, accepting of all, easy to smile and laugh, relaxed, and super resilient. They made a deep impression on Mark over 40 years ago when he served here as a young missionary, then on me when we made the short trip together here in 1992, and those feelings have been exponentially magnified this time around.  We feel extremely blessed to have been involved in this integral work of helping people find Jesus Christ here at the top of the Philippines.

Still saying goodbye to amazing missionaries... 

Although the number of outgoing missionaries far exceeds the number of incoming, due to COVID, 
we have still received a few - just one or two at a time - but we are SO grateful for and love each one.

Memorable moments like this are still happening...

Still Feeding missionaries every chance we get...

Christmas Zone Conferences...

Teaching Patricia, a young woman in one of our Stakes, how to make cinnamon rolls...

Mission Leaders Seminar in Manila

This incredible young couple recently lost a baby and she almost lost her life at the same time.   
Shortly after that he was called as a Branch President 
and they have jumped into this service without hesitation - 
Great examples of Filipino resilience and dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Still meeting with our amazing Facilities Management team every month...

Mark - still making everyone laugh...

Road trips and hikes...

Our escorts to the trail head...

Dalyn is a wonderful seamstress and does alterations for me. I asked if we could come by with our missionaries and she was a gracious host.  Upon leaving, she insisted we take some of her plants.  
She wouldn't take no for an answer...

A visit to the Pasuquin Branch...

My favorite Filipino hair stylist..

A visit to see Mark's Counselor and his family in Ballesteros..

Our last Zoom Zone Conference...

And finally, for your enjoyment, an instructional video made by my cute friends on how to make Mango Graham - a favorite Filipino treat...
