Zone Conference Pics

"Arriving early for zone conference!"

"Before the meeting gets started..."

"Reciting our missionary purpose!"

" The AC quit working in the chapel, but thankfully, it was still working in the cultural hall so we all transferred into there to finish the conference."

"Sister Robinson spent many years working as a Dental Hygienist and so I asked her to give a presentation about the importance of dental care to the missionaries. Sister Drzayich assisted her and it was so cute and helpful!"

"More ZC fun!"

"Our assistant Elder Rees assisting the sisters who served the ZC lunch"

"Lunch was over and the leftovers were left on a table in the foyer. It had only been a few minutes since we ate, but that didnt stop our Tongan Elder Vaea from getting one more plate full :)"

"Zone Breakout"

"Zone breakouts"

 Elder McComber is the Area Mental Health Advisor.  His talk to the missionaries was Awesome!