Mission President Seminar

President and Sister Peterson traveled to Cebu for a week for the Mission President Seminar (which happens every 6 months). While there, they were able to visit the Cebu temple. They were very excited to attend the temple, because they live a 10 hour drive from the nearest temple and have not been able to go. They now appreciate much more the 5 minute distance from the nearest temple and their home in Idaho. While away from their mission, they also found some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and ate at a restaurant they were comparing to Ruth's Chris, which in regards to my mom said "This is real American food and we are in heaven!" 

They very much enjoyed the Mission President Seminar. Part of their training was on the 
doctrinal importance of gathering scattered Israel. My Dad said,
"It has been great to talk to the other mission presidents and get their advice and hear about their experiences. It has also been great to hear from the area presidency, and they are awesome. The learning and teaching has been really good. I'm fired up! It gets me fired up about what we are doing now and what we can do and what opportunities are there for us. We realise other presidents have obstacles they have to overcome just like we do - we are not alone. 
During our training, we talked a lot about the gathering of Israel and we learned more about the "Isles of the Sea" where the Philippines are. I couldn't believe, when I looked up the references in the topical guide, how many there are about the Isles of the Sea and the blessing of the people and the gathering of Israel there. We are certainly seeing it as the saints here in the Philippines are mostly from the tribes of Ephraim, and they are scattered here. We are finding them. We are finding the elect and we are boldly inviting them to be baptised early, in the first discussion if possible. The hard part is getting them to church, they are not used to that habit. Hopefully we can improve things and get baptisms up and keep our missionaries progressing spiritually. 
Even though we love being here at the Seminar, we miss our mission. We love being there and we love our missionaries. I read through all the weekly letters the missionaries send to us last night, and wow! We just have some great great missionaries! Only a few problems, but that's what we are here for. We are here to help fix the problems, and we need to view the problems as opportunities to help. Let’s go! 
We hope that you all are being missionaries and staying in tune with the spirit and that you are doing what the Lord needs you to do in the most important work that there is - gathering Israel. It's why we came to earth, to gather scattered Israel at this time as we prepare for Christ to come again. So that means all of you! No pressure, but look around, pray for opportunities, and open your mouth..."
President and Sister Peterson have been looking forward to Christmas. They have an awesome life-size nativity which includes silhouettes brightened by a spotlight that comes on at night (pictures below). My Dad said, 
"...the only problem is that its 89 degrees and it's a little tough to feel that winter cold. I have already forgotten about the crisp cool feeling in the air back home." 
They have a Christmas conference next week, so they are planning for that as well as planning for a new batch of missionaries in addition to saying goodbye to some of their best leaders. 

- Sadie 

Enjoy the pictures below with captions by Sister Peterson

President and Sister Bangal serve as mission president and wife in the Baguio mission.  Mark baptised Sister Bangal 38 years ago when he was serving in Baguio as a young missionary.  It is a tender mercy that we get to share this experience with them now.  We are in front of the Cebu Philippines Temple.

This is our “Batch”!  The other 4 mission presidents and wives that were called to serve in the Philippines the same time we were and that we spent our MTC experience with.  We love them all!

Mark showing Sister Bangal the program for her baptism dated 1979, with her name on it.  It was the only one he had saved all these years and he always wondered why...until now.

The final night of our Mission Presidents Seminar in Cebu.

Entertainment at the final dinner.


Life size nativity in the hotel we stayed at.

Dad and I were the speakers at the Institute Christmas Devotional for all the teachers that serve in Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, and part of Cagayan.

Since pine trees are not readily available here, the Filipinos get very creative with recycling things to make their Christmas trees.

Mission Presidents Seminar in Cebu Philippines.  Presiding were Elder Schmutz, Elder Teh, and Elder Wakolo.

Nativity at the mission home. Merry Christmas ðŸŽ„