
My parents recently learned of a category 5 typhoon headed their way, most likely hitting their mission hard. So they have been scrambling trying to make arrangements to make sure that the missionaries are all safe. They have been working on bringing missionaries from all over the mission to their area.. lodging some in apartments, some in the mission office and others in hotels. The missionaries are all being instructed to upgrade their 72 hr kits to 1 week kits with enough food, clothes and water to last them. My parents are thinking that the mission home/office area will be ok but that other areas around them wont be. So, first thing tomorrow morning everyone will begin the travel to Laoag. My parents have also been preparing for incoming/outgoing missionaries the beginning of next week and a couple of special visitors on top of all the normal meetings and such.. just typical craziness of their callings. Needless to say, they are a tad stressed, to put it lightly... but still very positive and laugh stuff off! What else can you do! 

Our family all uses a video messenger app to communicate the majority of the time. Its really helpful to be able to see them as they leave us messages. The latest video we received was at 10 pm their time and it showed my dad working away on the computer and my mom was saying "we are stressed and I am running around trying to think of what I can do, so I just made a bunch of cookies!" Made me laugh! Cookies can make most things better!  I’m sure the missionaries will be very grateful! Please pray for my parents and the missionaries safety this week! 

Thank you, Thank you!

Here are pictures with captions my mom sent us over the past week...

The famous windmills on Bangui beach.

Although we haven't seen this much, it is pretty normal. Dinner anyone?

After having all the missionaries practice giving the plan of salvation within 1 minute, Dad suprised them all by having them all load up on these way cool "Jeepneys" which took them to Town Centro in Aparri. The challenge was to give the 1 minute message to someone and if they were able to get their information as a referral then they could give them the Book of Momon. They loved it! They said they felt the urgency to quickly share this important message- as if the Savior were coming tomorrow!

Some secret shots as we spied on our missionaries doing the challenge.

The Cagayan half of our MLC (Mission leadership Council).

The AMA (medical people over the mission) and his wife, Elder and Sister van Wermeskerken, join us at our Zone conferences.

Lunch at zone conference.

Batac Zone

The Laoag half of our MLC.

Dad sharing a quote with the MLC, that his mission president, Sackley, used to quote when he was a young missionary.

For anyone on the fence about vising the Phillipines.. my parents had a chance to stop at a sanctuary they found while traveling to another area of the mission. They also took a small boat out to an island where a couple seasons of Survivor had been filmed.