Christmas Conference!

Christmas is here! Within the last few weeks my parents said goodbye to 7 missionaries and welcomed a new batch of 15. Then they traveled to a place called "Fort llocondia" with all the missionaries for their Christmas Conference.

After that they traveled to the more remote part of their mission with the intent of accomplishing mission interviews and district business, but my Dad got a horrible flu! He was sick for about a week. Although they had to cancel just about everything, he was able to get the rest he needed in their hotel room and get well.  It wasn't until my dad hid behind a door and jumped out to scare my mom that she knew he was back to normal and feeling fine haha! My mom got a bit of cabin fever that week but says she got some needed paperwork, medical documenting and reading done!

We have all been interested to see how Christmas will be and feel while they are gone for the first year of their mission. So far we have really been thankful for the technology that has allowed us to keep in touch SO WELL. My parents are experiencing a Christmas that is different than any other they have ever had. They did not exchange gifts, which is the first time that has happened in their 36 years of marriage.  They said the gifts were not missed one bit! They have truly been experiencing the "Light the World" initiative 24/7 as they have been in the constant service of our Heavenly Father. They have inspired us all to do a little more this Christmas season! The latest thing my mom was up to was baking cookies and packaging them with a "light the world" tag to hand out to random strangers on their morning walks. She said, "Every single person that we approached had a huge smile and a 'Merry Christmas' to share!"

The going home group 

Only one Elder went home and 6 sisters.  It is so SO hard to say
goodbye, but we have much confidence in what they will make of their futures! 

Our December incoming! 

The Philippines Laoag missionaries! This was taken at the Christmas Conference at Fort llocondia!
All the missionaries rode in buses like these from the Stake Center to Fort llocondia for the Christmas Conference
Everyone arriving at Fort llocondia for the Christmas Conference
Handing out room keys 

Not the best picture of us, but probably typical of what
we look like before each zone conference.. haha 

.. Then we tell ourselves, it is what it is, and we relax, sit down and enjoy :) 

An impromptu bell choir playing Ding Dong Merrily on High (*side-note for those of you who don't know, back home in Idaho my mom is part of a bell choir, so here she is 100% in her element)

Practicing their excellent skills 
Fort llocondia provided team building activities, one of which was archery. 

One of our meetings during the Christmas Conference

Training by our assistants

More skill practicing
Another team building activity

Gathering in the ballroom for dinner and the Christmas program 

 For the Christmas Conference Program, every zone was
given 15 minutes to perform.  Every culture was
represented and everyone had a "holly jolly" time!

Our MC - Elder Clark

Oh how we love to hear them sing!

                                  Christmas Day festivities!  Instead of carving a turkey or ham,
                                     President carved a watermelon. Only in the Philippines can
                                   a person find the sweetest watermelon ever in December!

                                           We had BBQ hamburgers.  They were real Angus beef
                                          brought up to us from Tarlac which is a 7 hr. drive away.

                                          Our Assistants, Elder Rees and Elder Ballan, and our
                                       office Elders, Denkers and Corachea, build their burgers.

A wonderful way to end our first Christmas Day
in the Philippines!
                              The best part about the Christmas season was communicating 
with our family- of course!