Traveling to the Cagayan province...

Mom and Dad are currently in a place called Aparri - part of the Cagayan province which is at the most northern part of the Philippines, and they will travel that area for 4 days. Other than staying in a sketchy hotel (my mom made sure to bring her own sheets! She also said they had some interesting meat for breakfast, and that she was worried to get in the they are having a great time.
This week has been filled with more “Meet the President” traveling to all of the 8 zones in the mission. They also do interviews with missionaries while they are there and Dad does temple recommend interviews, Patriarchal blessing interviews, and sets apart newly called missionaries as he is the acting stake president for the 5 districts in the mission. A lot of their mission is hours away so this is a very important time to the members.
They were also able to spend time with one of their district Presidents and his wife and were so impressed with how “on the ball” they are. While dad and the district president planned the next district conference, the wife expressed her concerns about the Relief Society sisters not understanding the new ministering initiative, and so now, mom will be training all the district and branch RS leaders on that subject.
They have been able to feel the Lord’s guidance in everything they do - Mom wrote “There is absolutely NO WAY, we could do all this without the help from on high! The Lord is guiding this work - carefully weaving a plan.  Paths cross, things fall into place, simple things change in peoples lives -  and it all is designed by our Heavenly Father to allow the work of the Almighty God to go forth!”
At the beginning of the week, my mom was trying to get fully acclimated with her kitchen because they were to be sending their first couple of missionaries home and were going to be feeding them! Can you even imagine having to put on a nice meal for guests while in another country, dealing with foods you are not familiar with, “brownouts” (apparently when the government randomly turns off the electricity) and having a tiny oven that you have to light with a lighter? Mom did it like a champ! Enjoy the pictures and videos we got this week below! I know the Lord is blessing them to be able to sneak in time to communicate with their family because they are SO BUSY! Mom said, “My only regret is that we are always running from one appointment to another and cannot stop and take pictures of the glorious landscapes and the life of the beautiful Filipino people.  Dad reminds me that we are not on vacation here haha!”  I can’t imagine the weight they must feel but their spirits are strong and upbeat, Thanks for being interested in them and their experiences… -Lacey  
(captions under the pictures below are written by my mom :)

“Sending our first missionaries home. Only two of them and we barely just met them. Others pictured are the assistants, the office Elders and Sister Nelson. It was a good trial run for me cooking. All American food; chicken pot pie, green salad with craisins and pecans, and apple crisp for dessert. What?  No rice?  Haha!  The Filipinos have rice at every single meal, but they did not complain here - phew!”

“Our second “Meet the President”. Our time with these missionaries is SO enjoyable! This zone bought me flowers and made dad a candy lai - awe, how very nice!”

 “Our mission has their own song and we love it!” While we were in the MTC, a young return missionary, Sister Andelin,was our escort.  We had lots to talk about when we found out she had recently returned from our mission!  However, she is humble and did not mention that she had written this song!  We found out after our arrival here."

"We had a very sweet experience with this young man (on the right) as dad set him apart to serve a mission. On the left is the branch president, his wife and their son. Most Filipinos that serve missions serve in their own country, however, this young man received his call to Cambodia. His mother, next to him, is a very recent convert and only the two of them are members. She was very tearful about her son going so far away and her being left alone. Her son also was very emotional at the thought of leaving his mom. He wants to take care of her, but also desires to serve a mission. The spirit brought peace to both of them as we shared our testimonies of the incredible blessings of sacrifice and how it would all work out through Christ. Just as dad laid his hands on the young mans head, a light rain started to fall. Then as he began to speak the rain came down with great force and a loud swooshing sound. To me it was symbolic of power from heaven that was poured out on this young man and his mother. I never want to forget that moment."

Mingling with missionaries at one of the "Meet the Presidents"